
Author: Dale Anson
Version: 2.0.1


1. You need to have Java installed to run DbConsole. It is assumed that this is already done.

2. Since Java is already installed, unzip the distribution file using the jar tool:

bash$ jar -xf DbConsole_2.0.1.zip

This will create a 'dbconsole' directory in the current directory.

3. Copy the jar file for your database driver to the 'dbconsole' directory. (Note: Oracle likes to package their driver in a file with a .zip extension, so put the zip file in the 'dbconsole' directory.) You can have more than one driver, just copy the jar file for each database server that you'll be using.

Alternatively, you may copy the driver file(s) to the .dbconsole/lib directory located in your home directory, or you can list directories containing drivers on the commandline by using the -lib parameter, for example:

bash$ java -jar DbConsole_2.0.1.jar -lib /path/to/driver:/path/to/another/driver

Use the path separator for the current platform to separate directories given with the -lib argument.

DbConsole searches for drivers in this order:

  1. Directories specified with the -lib command line argument.
  2. $user.home/.dbconsole/lib
  3. The directory containing DbConsole_2.0.1.jar